Sunday, August 8, 2010

I failed my glucose screen (part 1)...

I am sitting here typing this from my makeshift office in the waiting room of my OB-GYN's office at 680 North Lake Shore Drive. Many of you are familiar with this building, if not this office itself. I am currently here taking my 3-hour glucose test since I failed my screen last week.

It's funny, because before the screen, so many people told me how awful it was---the drink, the blood draw, the not eating. Yet I didn't find it that bad. Thinking about what I used to consume on a normal night in college---the small bottle of "gatorade" type liquid really wasn't as awful as everyone hypes it up to be. As soon as the blood draw was over, I had a granola bar and went on my way.

But now, here I am, back in the waiting room for the 3-hour test. When my doctor called me last week to tell me that I failed the screen I sort of panicked at first. Yet she was calm and matter-of-fact in that this happens, and hopefully I will pass the 3-hour test. When I got to the office for the test this morning, I realized that I certainly was not alone in failing the initial test. There were at least five other moms-to-be taking it right along side of me. In fact, I started talking to the girl next to me who is also going through this. We have been "cheering" each other on all morning and helping one another to get through the hourly blood draws.

(Note: The rest of this is written after the test is over.)

I am not an overweight person, and I eat a pretty healthful diet---but like my doctor said, this can happen to anyone, which is the reason why I want to share my experience with all of you. I will be honest, the screen was not that bad, but the test was not fun (I am only being honest.) Fifteen hours of fasting is a lot for someone who is pregnant. I also have small veins and am squeamish about blood draws as it is---not a good combination. But you know what? It's over. The test was three hours of my life and is par with the course of my pregnancy. There is nothing I can do about it, and ultimately, I have to do what is best and safe for the baby that is growing inside of me. Hopefully it will turn out that the screen yielded a false positive, but if not, it is a situation I will overcome and deal accordingly. More to come...

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