Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Waiting Game

It's September 26, 2010 and I have eleven days until my due date. I am walking around feeling like a ticking time bomb. It's now more possible than ever for my water to break and I can into labor at any second. It doesn't help that everyone keeps saying "any day now." Because literally, it could be at any moment. What if I am in the grocery store, walking in the loop during lunch hour, or in the suburbs at Buy Buy Baby (this option may be best)? The anxiety of the wait is almost as bad as that of the anticipation of my impending delivery.

I am trying my hardest to keep busy and keep my mind off what is to come. While I definitely have been doing some of your typical "nesting" tasks, such as preparing the baby's room, washing her clothes and cleaning out random areas of my house, I also am trying to take advantage of these last baby free days.

I spent the last two Saturdays hanging out with some of my closest friends. We had brunch, got manicures and pedicures and just caught up on everything, both having to do with the baby and otherwise---mainly the "otherwise." My husband and I went out to dinner just the two of us on Saturday night. I passed some time this Sunday pampering myself with an AMAZING pre-natal massage at Soulistic Studio and Spa. My therapist, Kara, was amazing. She took a lot of stress out of my back and worked endlessly on my tight hips. I highly suggest checking this place out! (BCC VIPs, you get a discount here!)

Regardless of WHEN the baby decides to come, I know that her timing is well out of my hands. For now, I am concentrating on ME, with no apologies. I am making sure I am ready both mentally and physically, and am trying to get as much rest as I possibly can. I know that life is about to change---only for the better. While the waiting has me anxiety ridden, it also has me filled to the brim with an excitement like no other. My best advice to all of you who are also waiting---stay busy, do what you can, and know that you can always ask for help doing the rest of your baby decides to show up early!

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