Remember, your due date is an estimate, a pure guess, it's not a science. I promise you that if you subscribe to this notion, you will feel much better (and less disappointed) if your baby is not on-time or even early. I had lunch with a friend today and she told me that I seemed unbelievably calm. I responded to her with a secret that I am going to share with you---especially as many of you are waiting for your own little ones to arrive. I recently have heard so many women venting their frustrations that their babies were not here---and many of them were not even due yet! There is nothing you can do to speed it up or make it happen. I know that my baby will arrive when she is ready, whether on her own or next Thursday if they have to induce me. I came to terms with the fact that she may not be here early a couple weeks ago and have been taking advantage of the time I have left to and with myself.
I will be honest---it's very comforting to know that they will induce me a week after my due date if she is not here by then. In the meantime, I have found that there is no use in making myself crazy, getting worked up, or even spending a millisecond worrying about when she is going to decide to arrive---it is out of my control. While I may be big, and things can get a little uncomfortable, I overall feel great, which I think too is something that starts with a positive attitude and putting myself in a stress-free environment. My weekly e-newsletter from FitPregnancy served the BEST advice this week:
Don’t be surprised if you get discouraged now. Relatives may be calling regularly to find out if labor has started. Ignore them and make plans every day - see a movie, take a walk, read or simply lounge around at home. Relish this peaceful time while it lasts!
While I am not a religious person, I almost felt like this was a sign from someone above. This is EXACTLY what I have been doing and now that my actions have been validated I feel much better about it. (So if you don't hear back from me, now you know why :)) My advice to you if you are waiting, follow these two sentences and STAY BUSY.
I am still working, which many people are shocked about when I tell them. But what am I supposed to do? Sit and home and watch Kathie Lee & Hoda, Oprah, Bonnie and Ellen all day while I wait for Baby Girl Pinchuk to arrive? I'd rather poke my eyes out. While it is a bit physically taxing to go into the Loop every day, it's nice to go into an office, interact with people, and stay busy to keep my mind off of "the wait." I make plans for lunch with friends and colleagues, which is much better than making a sandwich and eating alone on my couch. Tonight I went to a benefit for a committee I have been a part of for years. I didn't think I would make it this year, so it was a nice surprise to be able to go and hang out with all of my friends. We even have dinner reservations and plans for this weekend. If we have to cancel them because we are at Prentice, oh well! :)
I had originally assumed that the baby would be here by now. But because my baby is not here yet, I all of a sudden have found time---something that I have not had in ages. I am relishing in it, utilizing it, and taking advantage of these last few quiet moments I have left. Last night I went to bed before 1am for the first time in probably six months!
SO the moral of the story---the wait is only as bad or "torturous" as you make it. Don't let everyone and anyone make you crazy. Instead, stay positive and ENJOY the time you have left. I promise that it will make things that much better once your baby decides to poke his/her head out!
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