Monday, February 21, 2011

Food Introduction for Babies 8 Months Old

By: Denise Henderson

Founder and Mom

Square One® Organics

At this point your child’s digestive system is maturing and a bigger variety of foods are good to be introduced. Continue to use the Square One® Organics Superfood Guide for suggestions on what new foods to introduce. In addition to continuing the daily avocado routine, here my top 3 things to keep in mind during for this age group.

1. Two more SQ1 resource materials can be helpful: The Square One Organics Food Family Awareness Chart This chart shows you which foods are members of the same food families. As you introduce foods, try to work inside a handful of food families. Dr. Nimmagadda recently wrote an article for Square One® Organics about how children may react similarly to foods inside the same food family. To read Dr. Nimmagadda’s complete article, click here. Second, download The Square One® Organics Daily 8 Month and Up Journal by clicking on the image below!

2. Pincer practice and spoon grabbing! Yes, these two things are part of the age territory. Here are some tips. As part of my feeding gear, Iwould always have a number of plastic table spoons on the twins’ highchair trays so they could practice their spoon grabbing skills. They see us feeding them with a spoon and they just want to try too. It can get messy but that’s how they learn! For Pincer practice try some ripe avocado pieces and/or soft tofu pieces on the highchair tray.

3. My favorite foods for this age group are - Mango, Quinoa and Broccoli Mango because it is an excellent source of Vitamin A and C. Mango is also a superfood for immunity and the heart. This is an important food for your baby to learn to love that way as they get older and start school it will be part of your “stay healthy” food routine.

Quinoa makes its way onto my favorite list because it is Gluten-Free, has

the highest protein count of any other grain on the planet and posses all of the essential amino acids. Again, thinking ahead to the school cafeteria which is often times a nut-free zone, makes the choice of Quinoa a smart one. Some cooked Quinoa in a thermos with organic butter and sea salt makes for a wonderful protein serving for lunch. To really boast the protein count of the meal, add some organic peas to the mix.

Finally, Broccoli, is one of my favorite supergreens because is such a multi-tasker.

Broccoli is a superfood for bone, heart, brain, immunity and antioxidant. It is an excellent source of Vitamin A, C and Folate. Imagine getting all of those vitamins and minerals in one food. This makes it a great food for your baby to learn to love early so that it can continue to be part of the “stay healthy” food routine for a lifetime. For more food facts check out

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